Todd Olive

Working hard for Whimple & Rockbeare ward all year round Learn more

Cllr Olive opposes Cranbrook expansion at Gribble Lane

by toddolive on 21 July, 2023

Earlier this week, members of East Devon’s planning committee considered an outline application for 180 new dwellings on Land West of Gribble Lane, Rockbeare – just North East of the Grange, on the South side of the A30, application reference 19/1798/MOUT.

I attended Planning Committee to speak to oppose the application as Ward Member, objecting on the grounds of development crossing the A30, building on open countryside in contravention of the Rockbeare Neighbourhood Plan and even riding roughshod over green space designations in the new Cranbrook Plan, and broader issues concerning the application’s disgraceful approach to the Climate Crisis. A copy of my comments is below, while my broader commentary on the application is available in the officer’s report to Planning Committee on the East Devon planning website.

I share residents’ disappointment that the application was subsequently approved by the Committee – and particularly by the lack of real discussion of its merits. Unfortunately, the reality of the current situation is that the Cranbrook Plan provides explicit support for development in the area that this application formed a part of – which means it’s very difficult to oppose applications such as these.

I would like to reassure residents that I will continue to keep a close eye on this application when it comes back to East Devon for approved of detailed elements – like density, layout, and design – and will do everything I can to make sure that the mistakes we’ve seen made throughout the rest of Cranbrook are not repeated here. I have also advised Rockbeare Parish Council that they may wish to consider reviewing the Rockbeare Neighbourhood Plan in light of the new Cranbrook Plan to ensure that it is kept as robust as possible.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch with me at

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